Thankful Thursday falls on the best day...Thanksgiving! My house smells like yummy turkey and stuffing, yes I am aware I am canadian...but I am so thankful we celebrate it tiwce in our house.
I wasn't gonna do it this year, I didnt realize how much my family loves it. My hubby says to me so...are you makign turkey tomarrow for thanksgiving? I replied with I can if you guys want and it was an overwhelming response for me I happily agreed!
In yrs past, I would take the girls out of school and I would call in sick. We would make cookies and watch the Macy's Day Parade. But this year I sent the girls to school and PVR'd the macy's day parade and choose to eat dinner and watch the parade while Kevin watchs football! Maybe next year we will return to the past tradition....Only time will tell.
Happy Thanksgiving To all and Enjoy your family and Friends and make sure they all know how much you really care and love them! Be blessed!
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