
friday again already???

I can't believe how quick the week has gone by, It's seems like just yesterday, I was counting down to Vegas, been home almost 3 weeks. Then was the New Moon count down, it's been a week already???

I am a little afraid, I am really prepared for Christmas...I only have a few gifts left to buy, I am more than 50% wrapped up. The Christmas cards will be finished and put in the mail by the end of the weekend, YIKES...It always causes me concern when I am this prepared...LOL

I mean dont get me wrong, I try to be organized and such but WOWZERS...I am really prepared this year. I actually feel like I am in control for once and not just here for the ride. It is a powerful feeling! If only I could feel this passionate about get the laundry under control...LOL

I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy those around you and give thanks for the small things!


  1. That's totally awesome - I thought I was prepared! I just love Christmas!

  2. nice work - Im very prepared this year too because I had no idea when the baby was going to arrive, I like it though and Im going to try and keep it up for next year - far less taxing on the hip pocket!!
