
New Moon

3 more sleeps everyone, it's only 3 more sleeps away! I remember when the count down was 150 sleeps and now we are a mere 3 sleeps away! Team Edward( me and a few other lucky gals) is present and accounted for and will be chauffering the team Jacob (Trina and her pack) to and from the Movie as well. Team Edward will win I have no fear...LOL I am their ride home...hee hee! Just saying! Just think...225 more sleeps until June 30, 2010 and Eclispe will be here! Happy counting down!

Funny how I am a 31 year woman and I count down to things more than any child I know...LOL I will never grow apparently :)

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty much dying with excitement! Check out Stephanie Meyers website, she answered a ton of fan questions yesterday (don't worry, no spoilers ;)
    Can't wait to discuss on Saturday (or at the next crop!)
