OMGOSH...definitly not a light read...I am more than half way through, I dont want to put it down but i also hate teh places it takes me too as a Mom of girls. This is a real ride of a book. It takes you to many levels of emotions. It will be intresting to see how the book plays out on the big screen. I would imagine I will be done this book today. I didnt want to put it down last night but I just had too! Thus far i would highly reccomend this book...It really grabs you in and stirrs up emotions. I love the way the author writes the book from the prespective of Susie Salmon...and she watchs life unfold and take it toles on those she has touched from heaven. I can easily say this might be my new favorite book...
OMG Laura, is this book crazy or what??? It got me in the first sentance. I also can't wait to see what they do with the movie. It gives me shudders just thinking about it...
ReplyDeleteI know right....
ReplyDeleteOk, as predicted...I finished the book...Loved it. I owuld definitly recommend this book. It truely takes a horrific story and the lonest road a father could ever travel and brings things full circle and leaves you feeling content and smiling. Again every emotion you can list you will feel when you read this book! Read and Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteIs a great read isn't it. Im looking forward to seeing how it is played out in the movie. I hope they do it justice.